ご両親の似顔絵 Portrait of Parents
*English is below.

I drew a portrait of the client's parents. Actually, the father of the client had terminal cancer and he was in hospital when I got this commission work. As it was covid pandemic time, even his family couldn't visit the hospital to see him and he had been staying alone. So the client wanted to display this portrait beside her father's bed and make him feel better.
The request from the client was to draw her father and his loved wife (client's mother) with their pets. Because the father was an ex-police man, cats wear police caps. The background is lilac, which is the father's favorite flower, and because he wanted to go traveling, I drew one of my memorial places on my travel (The view from Palace and Gardens of Schönbrunn in Vienna, Austria). Because the client and I lived far away from each other, she sent me a request regarding the content of the painting and reference photos in messages. I finished the portrait and mailed it as soon as possible for the client's father who had little time left.
Meanwhile, the father's figure became smaller because of a serious illness and his wife was devastated when she saw him. But when she saw the portrait, she found her husband in healthy time and it made her happy, and cats with police caps brought her smile.
Sadly, the father passed away on the day that the client brought the portrait to the hospital and she couldn't show it to him. However, all the people who know him say "this smile is how his personality is" when they see the portrait, and talk about good memories of him, which heals the hearts of his family.
Everyone wants a loving family to have a good time at the end of their life. Although there are various things they can do or they want to do for their family, I am glad that the client wants my painting for her father. It must have been an extremely hard time for them, so I painted it with empathy and hope that it helped them feel better. In fact, the message and photos that the client sent me were full of love to her family and I could see that they were a good family, which gave me a heartwarming feeling when I was painting it.
制作年 Year : 2022年
画材 Mediums : 鉛筆 pencil, 透明水彩絵具 watercolor